We know from questions asked at markets and online, that many people would like to try CBD but believe it to be expensive. Which is true, when you look at the bottles of higher strength CBD oils. However, it's worth remembering that there isn't a prescribed dosage for CBD. Everyone is different. You can start with a low strength product, at a reasonable cost. Then experiment. Micro-dose with how much you take and when you take it, to discover what works for you. Remember that the amount of milligrams CBD quoted on the label, is the total per bottle or jar - not per drop of oil or per jelly or tablet. So it's absolutely fine to start with a low-strength CBDFor example, in a little 10ml bottle of 250mg CBD like ours, 250mg is the TOTAL amount of CBD in the bottle and in a 10ml bottle there are 200 drops of oil 200 drops/250mg CBD = 1.25mg CBD per drop Therefore: 4 drops of 250mg oil = 5mg CBD 8 x drops of 250mg oil = 10mg CBD To compare this with other strengths of oil in a 10ml bottle: 10mg CBD = 4 drops of 500mg oil or 2 drops of 1000mg oil or 1 drop of 2000mg oil Having made a relatively small investment in a low strength oil, if you find that you need a reasonable amount of it in order to achieve any benefit; then next time you may consider investing in a higher strength oil. This would allow you to cut down on the amount of oil you need to consume and save money. For example: 2 x bottles of Organic Secrets 250 CBD oil @ £18.99 = £37.98 1 x bottle of Organic Secrets 500mg CBD oil (same amount of CBD) = £34.99 Also, take a look at our multi-buy savings! A low strength CBD Oil really could be the most useful item in your healthcare cupboard.
So as you can see, not only is it very versatile, it won't break the bank! Our blog post How Much CBD should I Take? includes a downloadable chart which will advise you how many milligrams of CBD you're taking according to the strength on the label. Still confused? Just email me at hello@organicsecrets.co.uk and I'll do my best to guide you. Marchia xx