A few tips about how much CBD to take

How Much CBD (Canabidiol) Should I Take?

How Much CBD Should I Take? Blog by Organic Secrets CBD


One question that we asked again and again is how much CBD oil should a beginner start with?  Well there is no straightforward answer to this, because it’ll depend on the results you're after, and of course your body will react differently to mine or anyone else’s body.  So don’t give up if you don’t get results straight away.  There is no ‘one size fits all’.                                                                                                 
If you have decided to take CBD You might have to experiment a bit with the frequency – how many times a day you take your CBD; with the amount that you’re taking, or the time of day that you take your CBD oil.           
With regards to the strength of CBD – if you’re taking it as a jelly or a tablet or
a gummy, you will see that on the box there are very clear instructions as to
how much CBD is contained within each jelly, gummy or tablet. It might say for
instance, 10 x 40mg tablets, so you know that each tablet has 10mg of CBD
inside.  However, with CBD oil it’s a different ball game. It’s very confusing. It confused us for a while and it continues to confuse customers.   
For example. If your CBD oil has arrived and it’s in one of those tiny bottles – they tiny bottles hold 10ml of oil. But on the front it says 1000mg CBD.  The 1000 refers to the total amount of CBD in the bottle.  The 10ml relates to the volume of oil in the bottle. Each 10ml bottle holds  200  single drops. Not droppers or pipettes full, 200 single drops. 
To work out how much CBD you're taking - if it's a 1000mg CBD oil for example,  divide the 1000 by 200 and the answer is 5. So each DROP contains 5mg of CBD. And so it follows that for a 500mg CBD oil, each drop will contain 2.5mg of CBD.
You can access & download our CBD serving size chart here

You can start cautiously, with with the smallest amount – 5mg-10mg CBD oil, or one CBD gummy/jelly and see how much your symptoms ease. Then take it from there, increasing the amount over a few days if necessary, until you reach the desired result.   

We hope this helps!
Marchia & Vickie 
Fancy something a bit different? 
Click here to see Vickie's Superpower CBD Smoothie!!                                                                                                        
*CBD is a food supplement and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure for disease. Please seek medical advice before taking.